Sport & Exercise – Stephen Moore 27/02/2018
Whatever your chosen sport or exercise regime is we are here to help you. Whether you are a five a side footballer, Zumba fanatic, gym goer or marathon runner we can make your exercise routines more effective and safer.
We can reduce your risk of long term injury through effective hands on treatment and planned advice on exercise patterns. We can treat chronic or acute problems if they arise as well as give help with stretching.
Many of you will be increasing mileage for the marathon or shorter races in the spring. Make sure you follow a graduated training programme towards long term goals and also make sure you do plenty of stretching. When running, the impact through our lower limbs, hips and low back is three times greater than when walking. As training intensity increases with distance then any bio-mechanical imbalance in your running style or gait pattern is likely to cause an overuse injury. Be aware of any lower limb / hip or back pain which gets worse with running or starts at a regular interval during your training.
Over the last 20 years I have seen countless people who have presented with chronic muscular and tendinous pain a few weeks before the race. It is then difficult to take time out due to training distances being at their most demanding and it is often too late to treat and resolve an injury at this stage, leaving the runner unable to compete. However, if you are vigilant and pay attention to your body then action can be taken and major problems can be avoided.
Osteopaths often deal with compensations and adjustments the body makes. In the case of a long distance runner with a calf strain, we would examine and assess foot, knee, hip and low back function. We do this through a detailed case history, examination and relevant tests to establish the primary problem. Treatment is hands on but may also include acupuncture and kinesiology taping as well as specific advice on your warm up, training routines and stretching. We can also send a stretching / strengthening programme directly to your smart phone or pc so you can access your exercises whenever you like.
If you want to find out what the current world duathlon champion thinks of our treatment then follow this link: and scroll down to testimonials (Nick Shasha).
Thanks Steve Moore
Pain at your Work Station – Stephen Moore 21/09/2017
Broadly speaking ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment and is concerned with designing and arranging things so that people use things effectively and safely!
As Osteopaths we deal with a lot of neck, low back and mid back pain. Primarily we treat using ‘hand on techniques’ but we are also looking for long term answers to patients problems and this means empowering and educating you.
Undoubtedly fixed postures, long hours and a poor workplace set up will have a big impact on your musculo-skeletal system. Over the coming months we will give some tips and advice on exercises you can do at your desk as well as help with setting your desk up.